Lurking between midnight & 3am is a place were yesturday has failed to end and yet tommarow has already begun. It is a quite place of peace and clarity, a lovely dark and lonely solitude...
5 rooms less to clean also means 5 rooms less to fill with stuff... in what once took up the span of 3 rooms is now stuffed into one room that is only about 25 by 23 feet. The townhouse is and feels much smaller - but thankfully I spend more time outside of it's Bright White Walls. ergh.
Dogtique: A $400+ pair of Eyetique glasses can make even Nadi look smart.
this is the holy grail that i Want for my collection, to complete my collection I also want a metal cast smurf, a raw smurf, a 2ish ft resin statue and the pixi brand chess set!
Fav Bands
This is what happens when you share a room with your older sister for 4-ever and it's HER Radio
Fav Books (non hist)
1. Count of Monte Cristo (Epic Adventure in the art of Revenge) 2. Les Mis (Redemption) 3. Persuasion (Love & the Pains of Practicality)
Biscuits & Guys in Kilts n' Doc's... I luv Scottland
there is no cure for wanderlust only memories and want
M's Home Sick Spot
think abstract
this pic reminds me of every single one of my friends & my entire family b/c it reminds me 1. it's really hard to throw a party for 150+ ppl & 2. that you guys always support my every crazy whim and weird want, with out which I couldn't pull half of them off : ) (pst...props to lisa behind the lens)
Blog Archive (b/c everyone knows I don't like to repeat myself)