Monday, March 10, 2008

All Work & No Play

It has been spring break all week. No classes to teach no mind wondering students or eager hand raisers to entertain, a week of hitting snooze and welcoming a world of colorful, long, complex and cozy dreams. a week of peace and quite, ceiling starring and falling asleep with a book across my lap on the couch. moments full of wonder, thoughts slipping through my head like warm water between your fingers into a bath tub full of bubbles.

i was waiting for four corners of a slice of paper jack cheese (wedged between two sides of an everything bagel)to fold under the ovens heat it's a process that generally takes 6.23 mins... & that's just enough time to do something I haven't done in a long time...a well hidden secret that few of the people i've met in the last 5 years would ever guess. leaning over the counter i began...slowly eyeing the boxed images one by one... flipping the slightly tattered edges of a Comic book. that's right... i am a not so closeted graphic novel reader & may quite possibly be the only girl of my kind - it's a fact im okay with.

i met 2 strangers this weekend, one was an older woman whose face was dressed in a lifetime of sour emotion. she said she had no free time and rattled off a list of everyday tasks that consumed her every moment. the other was this neat medical professional guy, who wore a smile like some guy's wear J Crew, rugged, natural, and worn in. he reminded me that there is always time for comic books.

have you ever done that, gotten so wrapped up in the "importance of life" that you have forgotten something almost like a box beside the moving van as the heavy metal door is slammed shut and the engine starts? it's an easy thing to do...but unlike time lost to an endless list of things that in reality bring about little happiness ... these small indulgences are easily recovered and merely a reminder away.


PdotSdot: While i'm in the confessional i will tell you i also like colouring (my fav of which is comic books or over pop fashion mags that i've white washed.)