Thursday, March 6, 2008

Between the Bindings & a List of Must Reads

Having sworn off I am. I make no promises in my being able to keep this up but thanks to the urgings of a few mighty bloggers... I will try, and attempt not to put you straight to sleep along the way. While we are on disclosures I Must confess I have a truly boring life & so essentialy I am doing this to quell the mob.

I've been knee deep in writing this whole week, I am on page 248 of my very first book... it is a lot harder than you think or maybe just that I thought. I weave together tightly knit conclusions from a stack of receipts discarded 206 years ago with letters that allow me to eavesdrop on half of a forgotten conversation. Then there is the big struggle to choose the right words and string them all together just so. Lets not forget the whole spelling them all properly along the way thing lol which I swear just ruins the creative process lol.

For this reason, & another, it only makes sense that i begin my first official blog on the topic of books & reading. The invention of the novel, during the Reformation, may just be ONE of the greatest gifts if not advances to and of mankind. Don't worry I wont get all history on you. Reading is a love I did not find tucked away in the back corner of a local library but one which has been fostered by an entire family of book case owners dedicated to a life time of learning & only-them book habits. A book is not just a gateway to some far off and distant place but in spending time with good, and sometimes bad, characters we sometimes gain insight of a great unknown, by which of course I mean that sometimes when we read we find not only a new world filled with new people but a sweet or careful reminder of the fact that we are really reading about books sometimes reminds us who we are, who we long to be, and of course who we would rather die than become.

Of course there are other kinds of books and readings, my fav of which being the kind that stops you right in the very path of your quietly sit to ponder ...& when you resume your life's journey you find that somehow it has changed & you are on another...but of course that is a blog for another day.

Some of The Very Best Books I've Ever Read

(Off The Top of My Head)

1. Les Miserable

2. The Count of Monte Cristo

3. Persuasion

4. Crime & Punishment

5. The Scarlet Letter

6. The History of Tom Jones

7. Vanity Fair

8. Far From the Maddening Crowd

9. Tristram Shandy

10. Moll Flanders

11. Nervous Condition (tisti Dangabraba sp?)

12. Sense and Sensibility

13. The Princes Bride

14. The Hobbit

15. Wicked

16. The Life and Death of Superman

17. A Whisper in the Dark (Alcott)

18. Pride and Prejudice

19. The Girl with a pearl Earring

20. A Tale of Two Cities

21. Atlas Shrugged

22. Wuthering Heights

23. the Great Gatsby

24. Catcher in the Rye

25. Goethe's Faust

26. Madame Bovary

27. Stranger in a Strange World

28. Grapes of Wrath

29. The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio

30. Invisible Man (Ellison)

31. Middlemarch

32. Things Fall Apart

33. How the Garcie Girls lost their Accents

34. The Old Man and the Sea

35. Money and Meaning of Happiness (Needelman)

36. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

37. I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings

38. In Country

Fav Childhood Books:

1. Monster at the end of this book - though admittedly I was scared to turn that last page

2. Uncle Remus - anything

2. Anne of Green Gables
