Thursday, March 27, 2008

Why I Boycot China & the Olympics

According to BBC News in China last year 3 Million people took part in over 58,000 mass protests. China is one of a small list of countries I have never been to. Honestly I'm not sure over a life time that I've really given China much thought until last year. It wasn't the never ending recalls that brought the plight of the Chinese people to my attention but it was the the Bodies exhibit at the Carnegie Science Center. I was working for the Carnegie at the time and the first time we discussed the exhibit I was taken back by it - That Said in the name of Art and Science I was able to find tolerance for a "noble and higher cause" within the slightly distasteful display. It was not long after however I began to learn of the Crimes Against Humanity that take place in China everyday. So While I am not in China I quite my job to stand behind the 3 million Chinese who have taken a stand against the kinds of things this exhibit stands for - Western Ambivalence and East Asian Oppression.

These are just some of the reasons why I have been promoting consumer social responsibility (aka boycotting exhibits like Bodies, limiting the purchase of China made products, and by informing others) in the plight for human rights so that all citizens of the world may live... think ... believe... and speak freely. I support this with all my being.

1. Followers of Falun Gong (Which is a system of beliefs that work toward the "cultivation of virtue and character", "moral standards for different levels", and "salvation of all sentient beings.") are tortured and imprisoned daily for their beliefs. According to the UN over 65% of all torture cases and over 50% of all Labor Camps in China are comprised of Falun Gong Followers. This truly is a philosophy built on peace and the betterment of man through each persons own individual development.

2. China has no voluntary organ donation system. The majority of organs harvested and transplanted are done on the black market to people from all over the world who are able to afford them at about 16 million dollars a pop. Where do these organs come from? Although the exact figure is still unknown many of the people who have conducted these transplants have admitted that the organs were harvested from LIVE religious and political(people who have spoken out against communism)prisoners. In 1996 the Chinese Government reported that it had participated in over 20,000 transplant of kidneys alone. UN Report:

3. Slavery is a reality in China. Men Women and Most often very small children are stolen from the streets, removed from their daily lives they are forced to live in bare hovels, they are tortured, raped, maimed, and fed bread and water, and worked from dawn into the night daily on tasks of hard manual labor in agriculture and mines. To their families most will never be heard from again.

4. According to CNN there are 1,100 known forced-labor camps in China. They are "are driven by hard-line ideology, Communist Party directives and the whims of local cadres. It is designed as a repressive mechanism to control and, in effect, eliminate anyone whose political, religious or societal views differ from those of the Communist Party."

5. All of this before we discus the unregulated and environmentally unfriendly acts that pump pollution above china in unprecedented percentages that corrupting the entire worlds air supply or the rampant sex and child sex trade that employs children as young 4 years old (and maybe younger) and encourages pedophiles from around the world to vacation there or the infanticide & gendercide that has created a gender gap that in some regions has meant a population of 70% males and 30% females. The mutilation of females. The sheer lack of value placed on human life. The 3000 Christians that have been put to death in the last 7 years for speaking out. Or that there is no Freedom of speech, and the internal media is used to propagate propaganda and a tool for oppression of ideas. After an even longer list of Chinese issues we come to the recalls which placed children around the world at risk for nothing more than pennies more in profit.

As for the Olympics I have mixed emotions. In general I don't support the Olympics because of their fundamental ambivalence to human suffering around the world. In one hand I understand that increased revenue can assist impoverished countries But what is good for tourism is Never good for long term sustainability and habitation of developing or oppressed countries. Tourism to oppressed countries only heightens the power of the economically and socially empowered people of the ruling class. In instances like the Sex Trade and Child Sex Trade (popular economic stimuli in developing tourist countries such as Mexico, Africa, the Middle East and Asia) aside from social and emotional ramifications they counter act economic development by denying children the necessary education and opportunities needed to economically mobilize themselves and their families long term. Instead these children become fodder for sexual deviancy until their youth has been spent and their futures blackened and decided. Even in countries were the child sex trade does not operate (openly) children are kept from school in order to make and sell trinkets on streets and in open markets. These sought souvenirs not only reflect the local culture but the culture of oppression & while tourists can not have enough of these goods to showcase their travels they have little heart or consideration for what they have really bought into.

I fear that as the times get closer to the Olympics the Chinese government will become more desperate to silence the heroic voices that have begun to rise above the oppression. During the last Olympics over 300,000 dogs and cats were put to death in order to make the city appear cleaner and more welcoming to outsiders - That was in Athens a country that does not already have such problems as China. For a country already plagued by torture and oppression what drastic measures might the Chinese government take in an attempt to maintain their "image"? That Said, I cannot help but hope that having a spot light on China will if not, empower her people, will showcase the social and inhumane injustices before the world and perhaps with a few billion behind them China may become free. Join the Fight Speak on behalf of those who cannot, limit your purchase of China made goods and make the economic statement that we will not conduct business or be bedfellows with those who commit atrocities against man kind.

An inside look into China:

PdotSdot: I am not so foolish as to think that these things and worse do not happen in other countries of the world... i just figure i'll tackle them one at a time.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dreaming My Dreams

sleep provides a wonderful loophole for which logic & reason may escape. we may wonder aimless or with exceedingly sharpened and purposeful aim and yet even in my dreams i am afraid to fly. it's one small push and it's like i'm 8 and on ice skates. i have no clue how to stop, instead i simply prepare to smack into something. i star as the heroine, i stand beside an ancient canal, antiquity crumbling all around me, fire burning off somewhere in the background, the ground shakes beneath my feet, a large and heavy marble pillar threatens to tumble as my hand pauses a single moment cupping a cheek as i say good bye before jumping onto the very last boat. whole worlds are made and lives are lived in the span of real world moments, the colours are more vivid the soundtrack is always perfect. anything is everything and everything is anything. and yet perhaps the dreams had with eyes wide open, when we refuse to reach for anything less than everything and when faith and hope are perhaps the only science that supports our endeavours or fuels our passions... perhaps these are the truly daring dreams we dream. Mw/h

Monday, March 17, 2008

You are the Country's Biggest Problem

i'm not sure why but people are always asking me "what do you think"? I mean anyone who really knows me knows i'm this weird concoction of contradicting fatalism and optimism so i don't know perhaps i am not the best person to hand such a loaded gun.

this crazy little election & all of it's many Cani-don'ts hasn't helped. I can't, or maybe just won't, tell anyone who to vote for. i don't think change is something you smell on the wind, it's something you can feel - it's something you can't help but see. i'm a historian &, when i do my job right, i speak for the dead, i know where we've been...& at rare moments i see where we are going. in so many ways it seems we are living in such dark times. as we stand on this verge of "something" we have to wonder if it's not that "something better" we are endlessly searching & hopping for.

i am sorry to report but nothing better is on the horizon. sadly the fact is that regardless of who wins in Nov & regardless if we remain a capitalist democracy, or become a socialist democracy or something all together different it will not solve our biggest problem - You. each one of us is that person standing beside the system wrench in hand...about to throw & worse yet there are about 301,139,947 of us. the fact is we are own worst enemies. the system itself has no set values - isn't that why we call it "the Machine" it is only in the human component (of the government, society, economy, and day to day life), that a moral attribute can be found - we are the moral apparatus of the system/machine. quite simply the majority of people use the system but contribute nothing to it. as people we somehow grow up and think we are entitled to a middle class life, & all the trimmings, that our parents spent a life time building for the simple fact we were raised with them, as workers we demand more pay than most of us really deserve, as employers we demand too much time than we are owed, as consumers we demand bargain basement prices for an endless amount of *Must Have* *Random* *Crap* (how much STUFF do we need anyway?) & we never think of how those prices are achieved or what it really costs us & as retailers any amount of profit less than what we expected we report as a "loss" and demand government assistance...the list goes on & at the end of the day we are all supposed to be "Innocent Bystanders" wanting someone else to come and fix it all. the fact is until we start participating in the system & providing/fulfilling its moral element - until we at least start trying to just be good & accountable people who are fair in their business dealings on both sides...people who care about other people...things will not get better, anything else is simply a spot of bubblegum on a pipe about to burst. that's what i think.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Square Peg Syndrome

with the ease & grace of a magician's silk scarf what has perhaps been kept cleverly amidst the obvious has been revealed.

... i'm okay with that ...

Monday, March 10, 2008

All Work & No Play

It has been spring break all week. No classes to teach no mind wondering students or eager hand raisers to entertain, a week of hitting snooze and welcoming a world of colorful, long, complex and cozy dreams. a week of peace and quite, ceiling starring and falling asleep with a book across my lap on the couch. moments full of wonder, thoughts slipping through my head like warm water between your fingers into a bath tub full of bubbles.

i was waiting for four corners of a slice of paper jack cheese (wedged between two sides of an everything bagel)to fold under the ovens heat it's a process that generally takes 6.23 mins... & that's just enough time to do something I haven't done in a long time...a well hidden secret that few of the people i've met in the last 5 years would ever guess. leaning over the counter i began...slowly eyeing the boxed images one by one... flipping the slightly tattered edges of a Comic book. that's right... i am a not so closeted graphic novel reader & may quite possibly be the only girl of my kind - it's a fact im okay with.

i met 2 strangers this weekend, one was an older woman whose face was dressed in a lifetime of sour emotion. she said she had no free time and rattled off a list of everyday tasks that consumed her every moment. the other was this neat medical professional guy, who wore a smile like some guy's wear J Crew, rugged, natural, and worn in. he reminded me that there is always time for comic books.

have you ever done that, gotten so wrapped up in the "importance of life" that you have forgotten something almost like a box beside the moving van as the heavy metal door is slammed shut and the engine starts? it's an easy thing to do...but unlike time lost to an endless list of things that in reality bring about little happiness ... these small indulgences are easily recovered and merely a reminder away.


PdotSdot: While i'm in the confessional i will tell you i also like colouring (my fav of which is comic books or over pop fashion mags that i've white washed.)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Between the Bindings & a List of Must Reads

Having sworn off I am. I make no promises in my being able to keep this up but thanks to the urgings of a few mighty bloggers... I will try, and attempt not to put you straight to sleep along the way. While we are on disclosures I Must confess I have a truly boring life & so essentialy I am doing this to quell the mob.

I've been knee deep in writing this whole week, I am on page 248 of my very first book... it is a lot harder than you think or maybe just that I thought. I weave together tightly knit conclusions from a stack of receipts discarded 206 years ago with letters that allow me to eavesdrop on half of a forgotten conversation. Then there is the big struggle to choose the right words and string them all together just so. Lets not forget the whole spelling them all properly along the way thing lol which I swear just ruins the creative process lol.

For this reason, & another, it only makes sense that i begin my first official blog on the topic of books & reading. The invention of the novel, during the Reformation, may just be ONE of the greatest gifts if not advances to and of mankind. Don't worry I wont get all history on you. Reading is a love I did not find tucked away in the back corner of a local library but one which has been fostered by an entire family of book case owners dedicated to a life time of learning & only-them book habits. A book is not just a gateway to some far off and distant place but in spending time with good, and sometimes bad, characters we sometimes gain insight of a great unknown, by which of course I mean that sometimes when we read we find not only a new world filled with new people but a sweet or careful reminder of the fact that we are really reading about books sometimes reminds us who we are, who we long to be, and of course who we would rather die than become.

Of course there are other kinds of books and readings, my fav of which being the kind that stops you right in the very path of your quietly sit to ponder ...& when you resume your life's journey you find that somehow it has changed & you are on another...but of course that is a blog for another day.

Some of The Very Best Books I've Ever Read

(Off The Top of My Head)

1. Les Miserable

2. The Count of Monte Cristo

3. Persuasion

4. Crime & Punishment

5. The Scarlet Letter

6. The History of Tom Jones

7. Vanity Fair

8. Far From the Maddening Crowd

9. Tristram Shandy

10. Moll Flanders

11. Nervous Condition (tisti Dangabraba sp?)

12. Sense and Sensibility

13. The Princes Bride

14. The Hobbit

15. Wicked

16. The Life and Death of Superman

17. A Whisper in the Dark (Alcott)

18. Pride and Prejudice

19. The Girl with a pearl Earring

20. A Tale of Two Cities

21. Atlas Shrugged

22. Wuthering Heights

23. the Great Gatsby

24. Catcher in the Rye

25. Goethe's Faust

26. Madame Bovary

27. Stranger in a Strange World

28. Grapes of Wrath

29. The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio

30. Invisible Man (Ellison)

31. Middlemarch

32. Things Fall Apart

33. How the Garcie Girls lost their Accents

34. The Old Man and the Sea

35. Money and Meaning of Happiness (Needelman)

36. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

37. I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings

38. In Country

Fav Childhood Books:

1. Monster at the end of this book - though admittedly I was scared to turn that last page

2. Uncle Remus - anything

2. Anne of Green Gables
